

SCT runs on Linux and OSX; native Windows support is not there but Docker might be used to run a Linux container on Windows.

For Linux, the prerequisites should be already available on mainstream distributions. SCT has been tested on Debian >= 7, Fedora >= 23, Ubuntu >= 14.04, Gentoo et al.

For OSX, there are no prerequisites.

Installation using git

You may have good reasons to want to install a development version of SCT.

SCT will still bundle its own Python distribution, installed with all the required packages, and using specific package versions, in order to ensure reproducibility of results.


  1. Retrieve the SCT code

    Clone the repository and hop inside:

    git clone
    cd spinalcordtoolbox
  2. Checkout the revision of interest, if different from master:

    git checkout ${revision_of_interest}
  3. Run the installer and follow the instructions



Docker is a portable (Linux, OSX, Windows) container platform.

In the context of SCT, it can be used:

  • To run SCT on Windows, until SCT can run natively there
  • For development testing of SCT, faster than running a full-fledged virtual machine
  • <your reason here>

See for more information.

Hard-core Installation-less SCT usage

This is completely unsupported.


  1. Retrieve the SCT code

  2. Install dependencies

    Example for Ubuntu 18.04:

    # The less obscure ones may be packaged in the distribution
    sudo apt install python3-{numpy,scipy,nibabel,matplotlib,h5py,mpi4py,keras,tqdm,sympy,requests,sklearn,skimage}
    # The more obscure ones would be on pip
    sudo apt install libmpich-dev
    pip3 install --user distribute2mpi nipy dipy

    Example for Debian 8 Jessie:

    # The less obscure ones may be packaged in the distribution
    sudo apt install python3-{numpy,scipy,matplotlib,h5py,mpi4py,requests}
    # The more obscure ones would be on pip
    sudo apt install libmpich-dev
    pip3 install --user distribute2mpi sympy tqdm Keras nibabel nipy dipy scikit-image sklearn
  3. Prepare the runtime environment

    # Create launcher-less scripts
    mkdir -p bin
    find scripts/ -executable | while read file; do ln -sf "../${file}" "bin/$(basename ${file//.py/})"; done
    # Download binary programs
    mkdir bins
    pushd bins
    sct_download_data -d binaries_debian
    # Download models & cie
    mkdir data; pushd data; for x in PAM50 gm_model optic_models pmj_models deepseg_sc_models deepseg_gm_models ; do sct_download_data -d $x; done; popd
    # Add path to spinalcordtoolbox to PYTHONPATH
    export PYTHONPATH="$PWD:$PWD/scripts"